Fine art lovers know how important it is to ship their artworks safely. Art pieces are usually unique and expensive, and damaging them results in huge despair and losses. However, if you have packed your art properly, you will easily avoid such a misfortune. It is also important to choose a good fine art shipping service provider and purchase appropriate insurance coverage.

If you are going to pack your artworks yourself, you will need the following materials:

  • glassine paper;
  • cardboard corner protectors;
  • tape measure;
  • shipping scale;
  • scissors;
  • bubble wrap;
  • shipping container (a durable cardboard box or a wooden crate);
  • packing tape;
  • artist tape;
  • foam boards.

Fine art shipping checklist

  • Pack carefully. Proper and high-quality packaging materials guarantee the safety of your artwork in transit.
  • Choose a suitable shipping container. If the container is too large or too small, it may lead to the artwork’s damage.
  • Protect the glass. Glass is an especially fragile material, and it is easy to damage it during transportation. You need to pay special attention to its protection, especially when shipping valuable paintings framed with glass.
  • Use bubble wrap and foam boards. Bubble wrap and foam boards provide an additional protection layer for your art pieces. These materials are widely used in the packaging of various fragile items.
  • Use a reliable shipping carrier. Choosing a shipping carrier is one of the most important steps when shipping art. It is necessary to choose a reliable art logistics company that has extensive experience in art transportation and guarantees the safety of your items.
  • Do not forget about art insurance. Please remember that there is always a possibility of damage during the fine art shipping process. Arranging proper insurance coverage will help save your money and nerves.

Do not rely on the fortune and follow the above-mentioned fine art shipping tips to succeed!

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